Tuesday, April 1, 2008

1 & 3 April, What is Planned.

This week, you'll have a chance to practice what you have learned this semester and begin preparing for the two timed, in class essays you will write at the end of the semester. If you remember, the format for these timed essays will be as follows:

Tuesday: You draft your essay.
Thursday: You revise, proofread, and turn in your essay.

The last two weeks of class, you'll write one essay per week, and I'll let you pick the one you want to go to outside readers. My self and these outside readers will make a recommendation to either: 1) remain in English 01, Preparing for College English, to gain a better foundation; or, 2) you are prepared for English 111 and the rigors of a first year writing class. I will base your grade for the course on these final essays and the recommendation of the readers.

Do not take a recommendation to take 01 as a failure of the class. It is not. Students come to college at various levels of writing preparedness. Unlike high school, college is not about passing a test or getting a credential. College is about laying a foundation for your success in later life and preparing you to do demanding, professional work. If I make a recommendation that you repeat the course, it is because I believe you need an extra semester of work to let what you've learned this semester to "grow in" and become part of how you write, and because I *want* you to not just do well in 111 but be prepared to make the most of the experience.

If this helps any, it has been my experience that as many at as a quarter to a half of any one 01 class need two semesters of prep work before 111, that is, if they are to more than just get by in 111.

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