Thursday, February 14, 2008

Some more formula for a thesis statment:

In doing some more research on writing thesis statements, I found the following formulas for thesis statements:

Useful Formula for Thesis Statements

If you're not sure whether you have a good thesis statement, see whether you can fit your ideas into one of these basic patterns.

  • [Something] [does something] because [reason(s)].
  • Because [reason(s)], [something] [does something].
  • Although [opposing evidence], [reasons] show [Something] [does something].

For longer papers, thesis statements can be very complex.

While [a specific, named person] says [a direct quote or paraphrase from the source], [a different, named person] says [something else]. While the two authors disagree over [a minor point], they both share a deep concern over [the topic of your paper]. [Person one's] refusal to accept [a particular point made by person two] suggests that [person one] is [your thesis -- stating the real reason why person one won't agree with person two].

Finally, here's a set of good, three part thesis statements I found online:



  • The three drugs which cause the most serious threat to the health of Americans are alcohol, nicotine, and amphetamines.

  • There are three kinds of monocycle riders: weekend riders who like to take afternoon outings near home, serious riders who take long journeys alone, and macho riders who parade from one bar to another.

  • The three most important pieces of camping equipment are a tent, a sleeping bag, and a backpack.

  • Three vocational-technical programs offered at Southside Virginia Community College are automobile mechanics, electronics, and information technology.

  • A good English paper should have a clear thesis, be well organized, and have well developed paragraphs.

  • A modern American woman must play three roles: wife, homemaker, and breadwinner.


  • Among the many causes of the rising divorce rate are greater economic independence for women, greater sexual freedom for both men and women, and the mobility of the American people.

  • Family reunions are always fun because of the food, the games, and the gossip.

  • American automobiles are a better buy than foreign automobiles because the American cars are cheaper to buy, safer to drive, and easier to repair.

  • Everyone should exercise regularly because it reduces the risk of heart disease, it makes a person feel better, and it improves appearance.

  • Many family farms are failing because of high interest rates on loans, the low volume of farm exports, and poor business management.

  • More and more people are connecting to the Internet because of the entertainment it provides, the educational resources it makes available, and the convenience it offers for transacting business.


  • Crime in America is reduced when criminals are given stiffer prison terms, the public is educated about how to prevent crime, and law abiding citizens are permitted to carry concealed weapons.

  • The way to have a successful restaurant business is to offer good food, fast service, and reasonable prices.

  • A person can have a safe outing on a pleasure boat by carrying the proper equipment, by checking the weather forecast before leaving, and by operating the boat in a responsible way.

  • A person can have a successful camping trip by carrying the proper equipment, by going at the right time of the year, and by picking the right camp site.

  • Americans get most of their information from radio, television, and the newspapers.

  • Learning to use a computer requires patience, attention, and practice.

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